
First token from NFT marketplace on TON with real utilities

Join TON Diamonds Community

Just one Diamond NFT opens doors to a ton of privileges and gives access to a private group chat in Telegram with the project's founders and artists.
Community page

≈$473 868.83

Saved by our holders

3 297

TON Diamonds holders

Glint Coin privileges

Discover what you can get with Glint Coin — the utility token from TON Diamonds NFT marketplace and auction house


of marketplace fees shared with Glint Coin holders


Cover fees with Glint Coin

When trading on TON Diamonds marketplace, you can pay the fees with Glint Coin

Buy NFTs with Glint Coin

Staking Glint Coin

Coming soon...


Influence TON Diamonds development

The more Glint Coin you own, the stronger your vote is when deciding on the future of the marketplace

Glint Coin Price

Follow $GLINT on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko to keep up to date with the token’s price

Glint Coin (GLINT)

$0.1292 0% (1d)


Total Supply: 22,000,000 Glint Coin

Plan for token distribution and development


Glint Coin Farming: Season 1

Season 1 will last ~6 months and during this time only 22% of the total supply can be farmed.


Glint Coin Farming: Season 2

Season 2 will start with a break after the first season. Once again, 22% of the total supply can be farmed



At this stage, anyone can get more Glint Coin on a decentralized exchange.


Burn TON Diamonds NFT

It will be possible to burn some TON Diamonds NFT in exchange for Glint Coin.



This amount of Glint Coin — 22% will be devoted to supporting the team developing the token.


Glint Staking

It will be possible to lock up a certain amount of Glint Coin and get more tokens for it

How to get Glint Coin

Community farming distribution is over. Get more GLINT though DEXes and via Staking and NFT Burning mechanics.

ton-to-glint TON / GLINT

DEX Aggregator

TON Diamonds NFT received at an official sale or presale before 24 April 2023, give an early adopter status and boost farming speed.



Staking is coming soon. Stakers reward every 24 hour. Withdraw your off-chain tokens before staking started.



Get more GLINT by burning TON Diamonds NFT. 11% of token supply will be shared across community. For more information wait until Q4 2024.

Staking Season

12% of total Glint Coin supply will be staked distributed to GLINT holders.

Amount of Glint Coin:

4 840 000

Time until Start:













What is Glint Coin and what utility does it have?
Glint Coin is the token of TON Diamonds marketplace. Glint Coin owners will be able to get a share of the marketplace fees, and influence the platform’s development via DAO mechanisms. Glint Coin can be used to cover marketplace fees and pay for NFTs.
How can I get Glint Coin?
For now, only TON Diamonds NFT holders can farm Glint Coin. Every Diamond has a certain speed of farming per day. You can get a TON Diamonds NFT on this page.
How can I speed up Glint Coin farming?
The speed of Glint Coin farming depends on the quantity, size and rarity of owned diamonds. You can also complete challenges and boost your speed. You can see the full list of challenges after connecting your wallet to the profile on
What is an “Early Adopter” status and how do I get it?
Those who purchased a TON Diamonds NFT at an official sale before 24.04.2023 got a special “Early Adopter” status which gives an extra boost to the farming speed. To get the “Early Adopter” status, you just have to keep the Diamond on the wallet from which you originally made the purchase. Wallets of different versions (v3 and v4) count as the same one.
Will I get the “Early Adopter” status if I transferred my Diamond from a v3 to a v4 wallet?
Yes, different versions of the same wallet are eligible for obtaining the “Early Adopter” status if you bought a Diamond with this wallet at an official sale before 24 April 2023.
Is it better to keep Diamonds on one wallet or spread them between a few wallets?
It’s better to keep all NFTs on one wallet — this way you might accidentally collect a combination of Diamonds that gives a farming speed boost.
Will I get Glint Coin even if I didn’t open my wallet for a long time?
Yes, even if you bought a TON Diamonds NFT a year ago and did nothing with the wallet, you will still get Glint Coin.